My Trip to HomeDadCon 2023

I am sitting at the airport waiting to board my flight home from an amazing experience at the HomeDadCon 2023 in Milwaukee, WI. I am exhausted in the best way possible. I had an incredible opportunity to meet and work together with 100 At-Home Dads from all over the United States. This group welcomed me […]
Back to school survival tips for parents

Back to school is touted as the most wonderful time of year for parents. But it’s complicated for us and for our kids.
Theories that influence my coaching

Briefly – When I was in grad school, studying Early Childhood Education, some ideas really resonated with me. And as I have become a parent, practitioners who follow these theorists have influenced how I relate to my kids. I’ll try to keep this stuff simple–it’s my passion and interest, not yours! But you can Google […]
Clarity – the 1st C

Every family has a unique take on values, so what feels important about raising your children is also unique. And when you have Clarity on your values you and your co-parent get on the same basic page–this goes a long way in terms of getting the right tools in your parenting toolbox. Interested in an […]
4 C’s – Consistency

Once you have Clarity on what is important to you, you can set expectations and boundaries. When you know what boundaries you are going to enforce, you need to be consistent about your messages and consequences. This is important for parenting “solo”and with a co-parent. This is another “simple” concept, and one that takes lots […]
Do you really need a coach?

Technically, no one really NEEDS a coach. In coaching training, we are taught that our clients already have the solutions. They just need support to reach what they already know. So, by that logic, if you have the right questions, you should be able to coach yourself. Want to try being your own coach? Or […]
Compassion – the 4th C

When parenting, you need compassion for yourself because this is a 24/7 job and you are going to make mistakes. No matter how skilled you are in the other 4 C’s. And that’s ok! Your children need lots of patience and understanding, too. Each child is unique and they need different help from us based […]
4 C’s – Confidence

Just because you know what your values and goals are doesn’t mean that you feel the confidence you need to put it all into place. Confidence comes with having the right tools in your “parenting toolbox”, practice, and a willingness to refine your methods over time and as needs change. It takes time to build […]
Parenting is hard work

Especially when you don’t like how you are showing up in the challenging moments.
Change is possible

Don’t let the stories your brain is telling you trick you into thinking change is impossible.